Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The 7 Best Things About Being Single in Your Early 20s

1. The world is basically your sex buffet. In your early 20s, you'll be surrounded by sexual and romantic prospects basically every time you blink because you're either in college or working with people a lot (hello, waitressing/retail jobs) so you're meeting more people than you pretty much ever will again. It's basically like being the lead cast member on a dating show except instead of for one season, it's all the time.

2. You can have no interest in commitment and no one will wonder if you're going to die alone. Because you are only 22, so those people need to chiiiiill.

3. Most of your friends are single too so you will pretty much never be The One Single Friend. When I was 20, I think I had, like, one friend who was in a relationship. That's it. One. And they were the odd one in our friend group. This was a very cool time because of that.

4. If you want to travel around the world, you do not have to give any effs whether or not your boyfriend wants to go. No scheduling flights, no asking what his schedule is, you just take off and go. Plus, vacation hookups = mhm, yes.

5. You get to spend time figuring out who you really are instead of focusing on figuring out why your boyfriend is being weird right now. Instead of putting all your energy into making a relationship work and figuring out someone else's labyrinthine mind, you get to spend time figuring out what you actually want. This will also make it a lot easier to spot a guy you want to have a relationship with one day, as opposed to "Um, I think I want to date him? Because abs?" (Which, TBH, are still very valid reasons.)

6. You don't actually have to take your biweekly Tinder randos seriously. You don't have to worry if he's going to make a great boyfriend or a great husband. Instead you can just worry about whether he seems pretty cool and whether you want his face on your face.

7. You can straight up move to a new city and the only person you'll affect is you. (And your besties who will surely cry because you're leaving, but also come and visit.) But the number of sniffling boys who will ask why you didn't think to ask them how they felt about this remains at zero.